Statement Jacket and Flatforms
Blogger friends are truly great, they understand that you want cute photos taken of you infront of colourful walls. They know the angles to shoot you and how to make you look confident for your blog. Poppy is one of these friends, we met at university and got on like a house of fire and have taken photos for each others blogs before. We spent a good hour getting the right shots of our outfits. She’s really talented and the best because I love the photos.
If you’ve been reading this blog for a while you’ll know that I love a good jacket. My mum actually got me this jacket from a charity shop, about 10 years ago (I know right this jacket is old).
I love bright and bold jackets and should be wearing this jacket more. The clashing colours next to my silk scarf shirt just makes the whole look so bold and statement. The faintest blues in the jacket are picked up with my Lulu Guinness bag, which is my pride and joy. Did I mention that it has fish on it?
Ofcourse I added bat earrings to the look, I love a bit of whimsy in an outfit. I was inspired by Wednesday’s costume in The Addams Family musical which was why we were in Southampton. We went to see the show on opening night at The Mayflower. If you’ve not seen it yet, please do it’s great ( there will be a review on the blog soon)
I wore
jacket – Vintage
jeans – Primark
bag – lulu Guinness
top – DIY
shoes – Evans
earrings – Claire’s
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