Middle Fingers Up
This is a ‘We Are Awesome Sassy Women (and anyone that needs a pep talk) and people can’t treat us like crap anymore’ blog post.For far too long I personally have been on the receiving end of shit. People ( cough boys) want to rain on my parade or take advantage, who think it’s cool to treat me like crap. I know some of you feel that way too. I say NO LONGER!!
We are the cool girls we are the ones that you aren’t good enough for. We are smart and funny and can step in line with all the others. If you come our way with an idea of how we should be for you, you get a middle finger. If you can love us for our sass, amazing sense of humour, killer looks, general good human being skills, step on over. Thank god for H, I no longer have to listen to Bull and can actually talk to a fit guy about cheese sandwiches and Irn Bru, who will take my outfit photos for me.Having someone in your life that appreciates you really highlights how little others think of you, and to brush them off asap.
I Wore
Trousers – old | shirt – on exact link but this is cute | Denim jacket – Next | Bag – Vintage Calvin Klein | Shades – Romwe | Trainers – Converse*
Photos – Natalie Taylor
Burrito Babe
Purple and Pink
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