Style,  Travel

Bournemouth Gardens of Light

DSCN1051It’s become a tradition for me and Stacey to head over to Sprinkles in Landsdowne for a little girlie chin wag. After my usual choice of a scoop of mint and pistatio, we walked into Bournemouth centre. We were greeted by the most glorious winter light display.12346327_10207204806811250_1104156288411298163_n 12346571_10207204806571244_983060113885261766_n

Aren’t these Snapchat photos just a testament to how serious our conversations are? What can I say, ice cream is my everything.

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As you walk through the main path in the gardens your way is lit by giant snowflakes.DSCN1053

Every now and again you’d walk up upon lit door frames. If I wasn’t so chicken and super aware of all the people around I would have jumped at the chance to stand inside the doorframe and posed to my hearts content (next time) we walked over to the out door bar, but it was rammed to the rafters so moved on.

I can’t wait to go back for anything exploration and adventure, maybe I’ll even try my hand at the ice skating, maybe?


Jacket – New Look

polo neck – New Look

green cami – Zara

Jeans – New Look

scarf – New Look

Earrings – Accessorize

bag – Carara Designs

XO, Amelia

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