Working on a website dedicated to an aesthetic means a lot of the photos I take just stay on hard drives, never to be seen again. I work hard on TCHG and only select what fits with the mode. Outside of blogging I’m taking photos of everything. I’m sure Hayden is sick of having to stand out the way or in the shot for endless photos. But it has been almost 4.5 years, he should be used to it by now. Anyway. I came to the conclusion that it didn’t matter if the photos ‘fit’ into the ‘theme’ of The Curly Haired Girl. As it’s about me therefore what I take a photo of fits the mould. Here is a selection of unposted photos that I love. But aren’t necessarily ‘good’ blog photos or enough to write a post of caption about on their own. But are meaning full and a reminder of the moment they were captured.