Essentials,  Style

What’s in My Bag: Party

I’m nosy, i’ll be the first to say it. I love looking though peoples stuff ( with their permission of course)  and knowing what they have/ collect/ hoard. I feel that’s why I love bloggers so much I get to look through their stuff. It’s only fair to return the favour.


What’s in my bag: party edition.


This little box clutch was from TK-Maxx by Love Weaves. It’s really quite small and doesn’t fit any of my normal  every day stuff inside.

When I got out I have to take only what I really really need while I’m out.


This Lulu Guinness coin purse is perfect. Fits all the cards you need in a little internal side pocket and enough room for your change.


After a few drinks that lipstick you spent ages getting right is going to come off. I always have lip products with me. I don’t like having my photo taken with half warn off lipstick, but who does?

Topshop – Beguiled 


The tiniest of perfumes for the tiniest of bags. You always want to smell nice after dancing, especially is you dance like me you really need perfume with you on a night out.

YSL – Opium


Save room and weight and take the smaller brush/comb you can. This is the comb from Mulan when I had the Disney costume.


Finally and most obviously your phone.

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