voyager en solo
although I’ve never travelled alone, I think I could quite easily. During this Parisian stay, I did find myself alone for a decent amount. Travelling around a city that you can’t really speak the language of, navigating the streets and cultural customs. I found it relaxing. If you’ve read my blog you will know that I’ve been to Paris a few times and felt comfortable being alone in the city, practising my French to waiters and strangers. Walking through the neighbourhood where Hayden and I used to live when we last visited made me happy. Seeing L’Escargot on Rue Montorgueil where I made Hayden try snails for the first time. It was strange to know a city that is in a different country, as though it was your own. I was out solo exploring while Hayden slept after his Marathon. I went to find him the best pastries in Paris. I chose the Patisserie Stohrer, which is considered the oldest in Paris. I returned home with Poisson de Massepain, Cafe Eclair and a Paris Brest. All were delicious and the kind of pastries we were looking for this whole trip. I organized a photo shoot while Hayden was running with a photographer that I had never met before and just went to the location, did the shoot and that was it. I wasn’t frightened, or unsure I just knew that I wanted to experience this city and to meet new people and explore is the best way to do so.
photographer – Camille Richez
location – Eiffel Tower


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