Slam Dunk 2018 – In Photos
Slam Dunk 2018 – Hatfield
The family
Tin Tin, Law, Josh, Law’s friend, Matt, Me and H
My favourite set was for sure Frank Carter and the Rattlesnakes. I’m obsessed with Modern Ruin and to see them live was such an unforgettable experience. Being in the middle of the circle pit bought back Pendulum nightmares. I was so worried I’d fall over again and get stood on. But listening to everyone sing I Hate You back to FC&TR was beautiful. I was shouting at the top of my lungs. It’s such a motivational song.
“This track is for that one person, that single person in your life that keeps you going and pushing forward just so that you can hang on long enough to see them fall. We’ve all got that person, so listen to this song and take a minute to enjoy how much you hate them. You’ll feel better for it”. Frank Carter and The Rattlesnakes via YouTube
The most cathartic song!
Of course I got Some FC&TR merch, how could I not?
( ^ bought a model Millennium Falcon for £10 to hang in our house when H and I move out)
As well as FC&TR I saw Knuckle Puck, Me vs Hero, Roam, Trash Boat, Twin Atlantic, and a little Good Charlotte. I really wanted to see Pavis but took H to the emergency tent to get his ear fixed. His piercing got ripped through and there was blood everywhere. Have to take care of your #1 first.
I want wait to go next year, get an Air BnB and make a get away out of it.
Mom Jeans and Nasty Gal
Small Shades
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