Shooting with Light
I’ve always wanted to take photography classes and since my course allows that I’ve fallen in love with photography. I try and think about what I’ve learnt in class and recreate that on this blog (my old site was full of bad photos)
On this rare occasion I found myself on the other side of the lens, in-front of the class ( it’s quite intimidating having 15/20 people looking at you)
Working out some interesting lighting techniques was so interesting. I think the shots of me are hilarious because I never look this nervous having my photo taken.
What I really liked about the photos is the focus on my jacket, all the details are highlighted by shadow and light. The green being off set against my hair and matching my eyes.
I want to create photos like these more often for my blog. Don’t they look so much more interesting!?
Hope you enjoyed reading,
Amelia, XO
Jacket – Red Herring
Dress – Topshop
Black and White Knit Dress
Birthday Style
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