If you have followed over from my old blog you would have already known that I can sew. I don’t have the time to do much now, which really disappoints me, but I’m making an effort to get back into it.
This is the dress I made for my final A-level exam a couple of years ago. I loved making this dress, spending 3 days in silence sewing and creating. It was total heaven!
My inspiration came from shattered and broken glass and mirrors. I used thick denim (now very crumpled from being stored away) as gagged pieces and the squares are the reflective pieces of glass and mirror. Each piece of denim and broken glass are completely different. Glass shatters in chaos
(deep I know)
I saw something similar to this on my first trip to Topshop in Oxford street. I couldn’t afford the top which was about £30 so with the help of my mum I made this instead. It’s a vintage scarf cut in half then sew together to make a wrap holter top. I’ve worn it so so much. It’s started to get faded but the sun now but it makes me love it all the more.
Thanks for taking a trip down memory lane with me, style posts will resume soon.
Love Amelia, XO.
Fashion Memoirs 2
Vintage Daisy Dress
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