
One Year of The Curly Haired Girl

The Curly Haired Girl turned one of the  21st of April! Last year I wasn’t happy with the content I was creating on my old blog, I didn’t know what my next move was. How was I to move forward with my old content lurking around? I couldn’t, so I made the bold step to start again, from scratch!! was launched and I started to think about what I wanted to share more seriously.

My plans for Year Two: Go to more blogger events and to start university in September, and get my hair sorted so that I’m happy with it.

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Fortunately the 21st was also date night, so myself and the boy headed to 7Bone in Bournemouth I ordered the Shuffle to the Straight Time and he went for Prince Charles is overrated.


The money shot! ( a little on the cold side but it was packed so it’s ok) Of course I had the dirty fries, I want bottles and bottles of the stuff.


I wore

dress – Boohoo < almost identical

jacket- Vintage similar

bag- vintage Calvin Klein similar

thank you for reading for a whole year!!!!

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